About me
Hi there! I am Daliatys
Thank you so much for visiting my website. I can’t express enough how grateful I am for having you here.
This blog is for you. I have filtered the noise to show you only legit ways to make money and create the life you desire and deserve. If you are dreaming about spending more time with your family or travel the world without ever having to worry about money again, you will find your way here.
My purpose is to inspire you to take action and become a better version of yourself.
You’ll see; I used to have a regular life, a 9 to 5 well-paying job, and a mortgage or better say, two mortgages.
I was on my way to financial independence.!!
One day my husband and I decided it was a good time to start a family, and we welcome our baby boy.
Just when it was time to return to work at the end of my maternity leave, they call to tell me they couldn’t have me back. I had been layoff.
There I was, facing the most uncertain times of my life, unemployed, and with a little person relying on me.
On top of that, my husband’s income was not enough to pay our bills and mortgage. It was like I had woken up in a horror movie were my worse nightmare had come true.
Deep down, I felt relief. I didn’t feel comfortable leaving my son in a daycare or with someone else. So much so that I had panic attacks every time I had to go interview for a daycare.
I then decided to make every in my power to stay home to take care of my baby and at the same time help my husband support the family.
I created this blog to document my making money efforts, opening several businesses, some successes other failures that allowed me to start at home and look after my son.
From financial advice to real estate investment and personal growth are the subjects I will cover. I am a success junkie and have been reading and gathering information for as long as I can remember. I am an advocate of real estate investing as the best tool to achieve financial independence. And I claim it from my real estate investing experience, which Will also share with you.
I trust you will be in a different place once you start implementing what I share with you. You have the key to your success in your hands. START TAKING ACTION

The Wealth Seeds
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